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Korean Academy of Advanced General Dentistry


Vol 01, No.1, August, 2012. Journal of Korean Academy of Advance General Dentistry

대한통합치과 hit 10610 date 2013-07-11


▪The Mission and Vision of KAAGD with a History, Structure, and Mission of Academy of General Dentistry 

/ Won-Gun Chang 

▪Normal Fetal Teeth Development during Prenatal Period 

/ Chong-Heon Lee 

▪The Prevention of Damage Caused to The Wire During Intermaxillary Fixation of Mandibular Fractures in Patients with AIDS

/ Jin Kim, Hyun-Joong Yoon, Bohm Choi, Kyung-Eun Lee 

▪Periosteal and Bony Wound Healing Following Mandibular Lingual Cortex Perforation Using Maxillary Sinus Membrane Lifting Procedure by Crestal Approach in Beagle Dogs 

/ Bum-Jun Kim, Hyun-Joong Yoon 

▪Is Chloral Hydrate Syrup (PocralⓇ Syrup) a Safe Oral Sedative?

/ Hyun Jeong Kim 

▪Osteoblastic Cellular Response on Collagen Membrane Pretreated 10% Phosphoric Acid 

/ Hyung-wook Seo, Yoon-Hee Park, In-Soo Kim, Won Lee